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In a bittersweet day for Kentucky Wildcats men’s basketball team as they welcomed back Keion Brooks and saw the continued emergence of Olivier Sarrs and Dontaie Allen. The Cats caught a struggling Florida Gator team at the right moment for a 76-58 win at Florida. Talent wise, there aren’t many teams in the country that can match UK. Kentucky is just now hitting their stride.

The Cats have now won 3 in a row for a 4-6 record. Kentucky is undefeated in 2021.

Kentucky is coming together at the right time. It was a great game to watch. 

What fans did not get to see, was during the National Anthem, where the entire team, coaches included, took a knee. Fans across BBN are furious and voicing their displeasure across social media with hundreds of comments from everything from Firing Coach Cal to fans swearing they will never watch another game. Most Kentucky fans are extremely patriotic and taking a knee during the National Anthem goes against their Patriotic views. 

According to a statement on KSR in an Article written by Mrs. Tyler Thompson, (Full Article can be read here).

On Friday, assistant coach Jai Lucas was asked if Calipari addressed the team regarding the riot and had this to say:

“The biggest thing, Coach has done a good job of just letting the guys express their feelings and how they feel and what’s going through their mind and things like that. That’s something, you know, he gives them the ability to do. He always says that it’s a players-first program and he really does run it that way. He did a good job of listening to them and their concerns and their thoughts. That’s the biggest thing, just having these open conversations to let them kind of express themselves. I think we give them a safe place to do that.”

It will be interesting in days to come if the discord among fans carry’s on to the next home game. will the Coach Cal led Wildcats continue to stop coming out for the National Anthem at home or will they come out and take a knee. One thing is for sure, the majority of Wildcat fans are not happy despite the win over Florida.

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